(an incorporated non-profit society)



The Association of Medical Schools in Europe (AMSE) was founded in 1979 as AMDE (Association of Medical Deans in Europe) to create a forum for Medical Schools and Faculties in the countries of European Community and other European Countries for establishing contacts and exchange of information. The purpose of the Association is to stimulate and develop co-operation between Medical Schools and Faculties in Europe and to develop their relations with other Professional, Governmental and non-Governmental organisations in Education, Medical Research and Health Care.


§1 - Name, place and fields of activity:

1) The society shall be known as the "Association of Medical Schools in Europe (AMSE)" 2) The society is registered in Vienna and promotes its activities throughout Europe.

3) It does not propose to establish branches.

§2 - Aim

The aims of AMSE (an incorporated non-profit society) are concerned primarily with the

function and responsibilities of Medical Schools and Faculties which include the following:

- the development of medical schools and faculties;

- the developments in medicine and medical science and their translation into policies of

- medical education;

- research management policy in medical schools and faculties;

- admission policies;

- organisational and institutional problems facing medical schools and faculties;

- the relationship of medical schools and faculties to health service organisations;

- the developments in professions allied to medicine and their relations with medical

schools and faculties;

- the role of medical schools and faculties in post-graduate and continuing medical


§3 - Means for achieving the aims:

The aims should be achieved through the annual and other meetings, working groups and printed material provided through membership fees and income from meetings.

§4 - Membership

Only one type of membership as a regular member is available.

§5 - Acquisition of Membership

1) Each Medical School and Faculty in Europe is eligible for membership and shall be represented normally by the Dean or an appropriate representative. Any person who is not the Dean or the recognised representative shall require a certificate of authority from the Faculty in order to register with AMSE as a member and have the right to vote.

2) The Executive Committee shall approve the applications for membership and maintain a register of members.

3) On payment of the annual subscription, membership of AMSE is valid for that calendar year.

§6 - Termination of Membership

1) Membership shall terminate with resignation, deletion and exclusion.

2) Resignation shall be submitted no less than 1 month before the Annual meeting.

3) The Executive Committee may delete a member if more than 2 years in arrears with the payment of the membership fee.

4) A member may be excluded by the Executive Committee because of a serious violation of rules and/or by dishonourable behaviour. (An appeal against exclusion may be made to the General Assembly. Pending any appeal the exclusion shall be suspended.) A member may be excluded by the Executive Committee.

§7 - Rights and duties of the Members

The members have the right to attend all the Annual Meetings and to vote in the General


The duties of the members are:

to promote the interests AMSE and to refrain from activities prejudicial to the high

reputation of AMSE.

to observe the constitution and the resolutions of the organs of the society

to pay the membership fee annually.

§8 - The Organs of the Society

The organs of the Society are the General Assembly ($$9 and 10), the Executive Committee (§$11 to 13), the Auditors (§ 14) and the Court of Arbitration (§ 16).

§9 - The General Assembly

The members of AMSE in good standing (the General Assembly shall be quorate in 20 members) who are attending the annual meeting shall constitute the General Assembly of AMSE.

§10 - Duties of the General Assembly

The General Assembly of AMSE shall elect the members of the Executive Committee and the Auditors.

The General Assembly shall discuss those matters submitted by the Executive Committee. The procedure of the General Assembly shall be conducted according to the Standing Order of the Association.

A special meeting of the General Assembly may be called by the Chairman of the Executive Committee within 6 to 12 weeks after receiving a written request from at least one third of the members representative of at least 5 different countries. An agenda with the subject(s) to be discussed at that special meeting shall accompany the request.

These regulations may be altered by the General Assembly of the Association with a two thirds majority of those eligible to vote.

§11 - The Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall consist of not less than 7 and not more than 10 full members elected by the body of the General Assembly. The Executive Committee shall be quorate in the presence of five full members.

Each elected member of the Executive Committee shall serve for a period of three years and is eligible for re-election for one further term of three years.

Nominations for election to membership of the Executive Committee may be made only by members of AMSE in good standing. Nominations shall require the signature of two members. The Secretary shall be the returning officer. The Secretary shall receive in writing the agreement of the nominee to stand for election. The nomination shall be notified to the Executive Committee at least one month before the General Assembly.

§12 - Duties of the Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall elect its officers from amongst its members. The Chairman of the Executive Committee shall serve ex officio as President of AMSE. Notwithstanding the duration of tenure as a member of the Executive Committee, the President shall serve the full term of 3 years after election to the post of President.

The President shall chair the meetings of the General Assembly.

The Executive Committee shall have the authority to co-opt not more that three additional persons to serve on the committee for such periods as the committee deems necessary. Co-opted members shall not have the right to vote in the Executive Committee.

The Executive Committee will manage the affairs of the Association, carry out the policies formulated by the General Assembly and such further duties and functions delegated to it by the General Assembly. The Executive Committee shall recommend to the General Assembly the rate of the annual subscription of members for adoption.

AMSE shall operate through working groups chaired by a member of the executive who shall be appointed by the Executive Committee. The non-Executive Committee members of the working groups should be appointed from members of the Association and/or others.

The Association will hold annual and/or other meetings. The dates and topics for these meetings shall be decided by the Executive Committee.

§13 - Special Duties of the Officers of the Executive Committee

1) The Chairman presides over the General Assembly.

2) The Secretary shall assist the chairman and maintain the minutes of the General

Assembly and the Executive Committee.

3) The Treasurer (Cashier) is responsible for the regularity of all financial matters.

§14 - The auditors

1) Both of the Auditors will be elected by the General Assembly for a period of two years and may be re-elected for a one further period of two years. Legal transactions between the Auditors and the Society must be agreed by the General Assembly to be valid.

2) The Auditors shall monitor the transactions and the statements of account and so inform the General Assembly.

§15 - The Secretary

The Secretary shall maintain an office and is responsible for the regularity of transactions so instructed of the Executive Committee.

§16 - Court of Arbitration

1) Disputes relating to the society will be resolved by the Arbitration Court.

2) The Arbitration Court shall consist of 5 members. In each dispute 2 members must be named by each disputant as arbitrator within 7 days. They elect with majority of votes the chairman of the Court. At equality of votes the arbitrator will be decided by lot.

3) The Court makes the arbitration in the presence of all members on a bare majority of votes. It arbitrates to the best of its knowledge and conscience. Its decisions are internally binding.

§17 - Dissolution of AMSE

1) A proposal for the voluntary dissolution of the society may only be decided after 6 months notice has been given at a General Assembly with a two thirds majority of valid.

2) The General Assembly shall decide on the liquidation of assets. The property should, as far as it is possible and allowed, pass to an organisation with the same or similar aims.

Note: for the purpose of AMSE, "Medical Schools" and "Medical Faculties" are considered to be equivalent.